With the problem of pain in the neck in front of, probably, all. They are different: sore, cut, only appear when you turn the head or, on the contrary, bear the character continuous. Apparently, nothing serious: well, it hurts, and it will be held. However, it is wrong. If you start and don't pay attention (and most of the people is so and prefer to do), the pain may go into the chronic and continuous alarm. And sometimes initially a simple disease into the more complex. In general, the need of assistance. But as you say below.

Causes of pain in the neck
The causes can be divided into several groups:
- Source mechanical. Occur due to, for example, of a strike or some other traumatic impact. In this case, initially they can, and not disturb, but occur after some time. This group can be attributed to the discomfort resulting from long stay in the same position, and even stronger, regardless of the movement, causing the displacement of the vertebrae or stiff neck.
- The physiological source. This group the pain associated with a particular disease. Neck pain can cause disorders of different origin. The point – back-pain. Here are the intervertebral hernia in different degrees of severity, colds, etc.
- Are of psychological origin. The pains occur in the result, for example, is dealing with stress or a strong nervous shock. The body and the human psyche are closely connected with one another, and some experience can easily cause disturbances in any organ or part of the body. The neck is not an exception.
- There are another group of pains that occur due to temperature exposure. The neck is very easy to expose cold. Hypothermia muscle causes them to spasm and very strong, or, on the contrary, stupid, but it does not go the pain.
In each case, determine the cause of the pain in the neck can only doctor. Remember that this part of the body not only is very complex in its device, but also fragile. Its easy to do evil and treat are often difficult. With this task you cannot manage without qualified help. Because of this, the first advice: if the pain in the neck for at least a day and a half and does not pass, it is necessary to consult a doctor immediately. In this way, you avoid far more serious issues.
However, it reduces the sensation of pain can be, as well as one of the main causes of pain is an awkward position or for a longer stay in the same position without any movement. In these cases, the problem can be easily handle by themselves. We'll teach you how to do it.
How to get rid of a sore neck in the house
The neck may hurt in a different way. But often the feelings are so strong and sharp, who suffers from a disorder man, even the head turn, it may not. Sometimes the problem feels like something far away, only a bit like on you. Alleviate their condition it is possible, but you need to remember one thing: if you are not sure of the origin of the pain, it is better not to do anything alone. One thing, when all you need is a dip to the nerve from poor posture, and much more, if there was muscle spasm in the context of any disease.

How to relieve the pain and help yourself? In reality, ways for very. One of the most effective – specific exercises that help to relax and at the same time warm up the muscles of the neck.
- Gently, in no hurry to move the neck in the direction of "here and there". Do this with deliberation, to listen with attention to emerging feelings. If they heard the slightest pain, or at least a hint about her, stop. This exercise can be performed as a prevention of possible problems, at least every day, while increasing load.
- Also slow, measured move the neck to the left and to the right. Hurry up.... At least the first time. If you are going to do this exercise every day, can greatly reduce the load on the cervical vertebrae and the muscle. It is simply prepared, and the pain gradually disappears. First, first, make the appearance of pain, but then you can increase the training time.
- "The eight". This incredible strength the positive effect of exercise. Slowly, describing the head of the corresponding digit, while, listen carefully to their feelings. The body will tell you when to stop. Do exercise every day, you can easily remove the pain and strengthen the muscles and vertebrae. With the passage of time, it is possible to accelerate the pace and increase the execution time.
Great help to relieve the pain in the neck, and various relaxation techniques. Here are some of them:

- Soft shower. Turn the water on and configure shower heads for massage, a slight flow. If there is no such function, then just do not open the faucet to full-power. The water should be warm temperature. Point the shower to the neck, and lead them top to bottom, as if you were making a light rubbing. This will help to relax the muscles, and the spasm will take place. The neck cannot be rotated, it should stay in one position. The duration of the procedure – not less than 5 and not more than 20 minutes.
- Warm aromatic bath. A very nice way to remove not only the neck pain, but also fatigue overall body. Fill the tub with warm water (the perfect temperature – 37 degrees). Well, if you've added the sea salt with the relaxation effect. Lie down and try not to think of anything. The effect of this order is explained by the fact that in warm water the body reflection, relax completely, and all the muscles feel at ease.
- Experts recommend to relieve the pain in the neck regularly attend certain courses, aimed at improving the flow of blood throughout the body. The fact is that often the problem occurs due to the lack of nutrients and especially of oxygen. The muscles become as if it were made of wood, and this is especially felt where they are most vulnerable. For example, in the neck. Therefore, it is important to work constantly on the correct circulation and exchange of energy. This helps the various eastern practices, especially yoga.
- The massage. Vintage and a very effective way not only to relieve the muscle tension, but also to put in place the vertebrae and relieve the pain in general. The doctors recommend not to practice the massage by yourself, if only you do not know the fundamentals of this practice. However, the most simple caresses, light depression and measured rubbing ever, and no one has ever done evil. Do this gently, gradually increasing the intensity.
Finally, there are medicinal ways to get rid of a sore neck. But here it is important to remember that often the medicine, taken alone, can only aggravate the condition. Pain killers only hide the pain, but does not affect its cause. However, as short-term instruments (for example, waiting for the doctor) you can take ibuprofen or No-Spa. Acetaminophen too often recommended to relieve the symptom of pain in the neck, but also in this case, even if it has helped you, this does not mean that the problem is solved. Don't take the hand, and better to visit a specialist.
Folk remedies from pain in the neck
There are folk remedies, allow you to get rid of this kind of pain. First of all, they are in the field of temperature exposure and the adoption of special teas. There are often effective, but only in the most simple cases, or as one of the components of the relevant integrated therapy.
- Heat treatment of impact. Depending on the nature and the causes of pain, it is necessary both to heat the neck, or, on the contrary, to cool it. In the first case it is used the heat more heat, while the second package of ice. It is believed that the heating helps in the case of the cold-and cooling – in case of overheating or traction. Also, the ice perfectly takes away the pain. But if the neck occurs an inflammatory process, then this method may aggravate the situation considerably.
- Infusions and aromatic herbs. Traditional medicine knows a lot of funds to relieve the pain in the neck. We recommend you drink special teas: chamomile, for example. Can also help hot balms and ointments.
Remember that the neck is the hardest part of the human body. And you only need to take care of. Otherwise never experience the pain, get rid of which is very difficult.
Still a couple of tips
Neck pain can cause an incorrect position of the spine, and then you have to check the posture, and to work for its correction. Sometimes even need to wear a corset, but this is only improves the condition, and of great benefit to the body. To avoid the appearance of pain, not to raise the gravity, or do this at least not in a dramatic way. Try not to overload the spinal column and, if you are a woman, do not always wear high heels.
Problems with the neck can spring up from the soil every kind of disease. Their reasons become practically anything. But often the problem occurs because of a sedentary lifestyle and sedentary work. Adults the majority of his time in office. In almost every case, the work requires little movement. If, one day, sit, bend, at the table, still writing and talking on the phone, it is not surprising that the pain in the neck. To avoid this, try at least three times a week to do sports. This allows you to restore the proper circulation, strengthen the muscles, align the spine. The pain in the first pass, and then not be held.
Among other things, at times very good, can help vitamin complexes, took the instructions strictly. Give joy and tone up the whole body in general and relieve the tension of pain, including, and in the neck. Also increase immunity and improve mood and health.
Try to live happily, actively and positively. Get the most out of life positive emotions and not to focus on something bad. The house sleeps properly, on the hard mattress and in the fetal position. The doctors feel more relaxed and comfortable, as for the spine and neck. Not less important is the pillow. If it is too high and rigid, the position of the neck becomes useless, and the morning is also the head is not able to move without pain. Choose this bedding in which you sleep more comfortable for you.
Now you know almost all of cervical pain and how you can get rid of it. Once again we repeat: all this is effective only if one is sure of the reason, and you know, nothing too serious, no. In all the others is the best output – consult the doctor. Only he will be able to make a diagnosis and prescribe the proper treatment. It is advisable to contact professionals in case of strong and frequent, harassing or long-term aches and pains that worsen significantly the quality of life and ruin not only physical but also moral.
Attention to your body, care for your body! And then your health will only become stronger.